BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:lent12.slovenija.net_1_445 DTSTAMP:20120610T150600 DTSTART:20120701T200000Z DTEND:20120701T203000Z CATEGORIES:Stand-up comedy SUMMARY:LADIES' NIGHT (CRO, SRB, SLO) DESCRIPTION:ANDREA ANDRASSY (CRO)Born in Zagreb, Croatia. As an eight-year-old girl Andrea took the stage at some party and started telling dirty jokes, which resulted in one week suspension without television and her attitude of saying what’s on her mind for the rest of her life.\n\nShe has started with stand-up relatively recently when she signed-up for open-mic and shocked the audience with her twisted humour. In her spare time she plays the piano and writes songs about things that get on her nerves. The inspiration comes from various phenomena like ‘sponsor girls’, incest, and men in pink t-shirts. She likes computer games, smart guys and pizza.On the other hand she doesn’t like people who don’t know how to laugh at themselves and hopes to keep her cynical charm forever. \n\nMARINA ORSAG (CRO)Marina has started with stand up comedy five years ago when she participated various workshops and since then has been professionally engaged with that genre. Together with some colleagues at Happy Mellon, she organizes weekly stand up nights at Studi cinema in Zagreb.There are more than 400 performances in her CV and she hopes there will be even more in the future. The feeling when you make people laugh is one of the most beautiful ones in the world. \n\nLUCIJA ĆIROVIĆ (SLO)The recipe for a good stand up is that we need one good microphone (from which things get out exactly the way they have been said into), a stage (so we know who the boss is), one female comedian (if necessary more than one), a tasty and funny filling and an audience that craves for fun. Mix it all together and serve it fresh and plentiful. \n\nJELENA RADANOVIĆ (SRB)Jelena Radanović is the winner of the open mic contest at the first StandUpFest in Serbia. Even as a high school student she fought for the microphone and wanted to have the say at school events.She studied sociology but does not want to be a social case. Stand up has been her occupation since she thinks it looks nice on her. With friends' support she has started performing at various events, birthday parties, marriages and funerals (of course if the family of the deceased has a sense of humour). When she found out that cabbage cannot be exchanged for sweaters, she has emerged herself into serious waters and has been successfully drowning ever since. LOCATION:Vetrinjski dvor mansion END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR