BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:lent12.slovenija.net_1_345 DTSTAMP:20120610T150600 DTSTART:20120629T193000Z DTEND:20120629T200000Z CATEGORIES:Musical SUMMARY:THE JUNGLE BOY DESCRIPTION:English Sudent Theatre: THE JUNGLE BOYProducer: Ivan Lorenčič; director: Mojca Cvikl; script: Emil Pečnik, Mojca Cvikl, Barbara Spreiz; choreographer: Mojca Cvikl, Barbara Spreiz; assistant director: Barbara Spreiz; music arrangement and conductor: Ana Bezjak; assistant conductor: Mihael Mikluš; music: Danilo Ženko; scene and costume design: Zvonko Babič Kurbus; video: Dane Cotar; technics: Jani Kancler; audio engineer: David Jarc; lights: Ivan Novak; make-up: Manuela Ketiš; coordinator: Andreja GunglThe famous story begins in the Indian jungle with a black panther Ganesha telling a story about how he found a boat with a man cub in it many years ago. He named the boy Narayan and took him to a wolf couple that has recently had their own cubs. The wolves took the boy into their family. Fifteen rain periods went by.The wolf tribe is worried because the tiger Shardul returned to their part of the jungle. They are worried about the man cub’s future because Shardul hates people. They decide that Narayan must leave the wolf pack. His wolf parents decide it is best Narayan is taken to a man village by the panther Ganesha, since they trust him and know the boy would be safe with him. Ganesha and Narayan head to the village. However, when Narayan realizes there is no turning back, he runs away from Ganesha. Meanwhile, Shardul finds out there is a man cub in the jungle and wants to find him with the help of an Indian python Netra.Narayan is walking around the jungle by himself when meets up with a bear Bandhu. The bear shows Narayan his care-free lifestyle. However, Sherdul and Netra are following them every step of the way. Finally, Narayan and Bandhu arrive to the village...Experience the jungle with more than fifty young performers! ORGANIZER;CN="TERME MARIBOR": END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR