BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:lent12.slovenija.net_1_517 DTSTAMP:20120610T150600 DTSTART:20120702T200000Z DTEND:20120702T203000Z CATEGORIES:Concert SUMMARY:Jazz podium 2: IGOR BEZGET GLOBAL COMMUNITY (SLO, IND, MKD, GBS/FRA) DESCRIPTION:Igor Bezget (guitar, string instruments), Sharat Chandra Srivastava (violin), Gyan Singh (tabla), Sekou Kouyate (kora), Mihail Parushev (drums, percussion), Nino Mureškič (percussion), Damir Mazrek (percussion)Although Igor Bezget influenced the music scene in Maribor, he never stood still. A large part of his musical creation is dedicated to cooperation with different musical cultures around the world. The project 'Global community - Sound Unity’ consists of songs that were made in collaboration with musicians from different musical traditions, with musical colleagues that share a similar vision. The sounds of classical and folk music traditions of India, Africa and Europe combined with new music of the modern world like jazz, rock and other genres of modern urban music, joined together in a manner that instantly triggers the memory of one of the largest work in the field of fusion and traditional jazz bands of the world, Joe Zawinul. LOCATION:Jazzlent END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR