BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:lent12.slovenija.net_1_645 DTSTAMP:20120610T150600 DTSTART:20120704T193000Z DTEND:20120704T200000Z CATEGORIES:Dance SUMMARY:IN THE DUST & COMPASSION (GBR, SLO) DESCRIPTION:2 Faced Dance Company2 Faced Dance Company are one of the UK's leading all-male urban contemporary dance companies. Founded in 1999 by Artistic Director Tamsin Fitzgerald, 2 Faced Dance has established a unique ability to produce repertoire that combines athletic contemporary dance with break dance moves. Bold, risk taking, adrenalin fuelled yet agile and graceful, 2 Faced seek to push the physical boundaries. They have become renowned for creating work that inspires and constantly seeking to push the boundaries of contemporary dance. Kjara's Dance Project (SLO)Kjara's Dance Project is the first modern ballet group in Slovenia. After a successful performance Odtisi, the group prepared a new project. It is marked by Kjara Starič’s experiences from New York, combined with intimate stories of others and the reflection on humanity.PROGRAMME\n\nI. Subterrania - In The Dust (2 Faced Dance Company)Choreography: Tom Dale; music: Shackleton; dancers: Dan Lowenstein, Alex Rowland, Nathan French, Hugh Stanier, Jake Nwogu, Matthew Chambers, Johnny AutinSubterrania is inspired by the evocative musical world of Shackleton. It paints a picture of a world in its imminent doom. The piece creates a new reality, a sense of urgency and a chaotic vitality and toughness. It is the toughness that gives the work its warmth and richness.II. Politicking Oath - In The Dust (2 Faced Dance Company)Choreography: Freddie Opoku-Addaie; music: Alberto Bernal; dancers: Dan Lowenstein, Matthew Chambers, Nathan FrenchThe starting point of Politicking Oath is the emotion and spirit expressed by the Olympic Oath and National Anthems. With the help of movement, Random Olympic events create a template for physical language and utilise principle rules and intents that give an insight into the capability and complexity of human beings.III. comPASSiON (Kjara's Dance Project)Concept and choreography: Kjara Starič; music: J.S. Bach, Olafur Arnalds, Arvo Part, Alva Noto; dancers: Katarina Čegovnik, Liza Šimenc, Jure Gostinčar, Simona Kočar, Emanuela Senjor, Ana Jenček, Drejc Derganc, Maja Sonc, Ana Germ, Mateja Železnik, Sara Mlakar, Anamaria Bagarić, Ajda Bergant, Leo AjdinovićThe dance performance comPASSiON is much more than an aesthetically intricate, physically attractive and visually convincing image of contemporary ballet. It is the story of everyone’s life. It answers fundamental questions about existence, meaning and our endless need for acceptance that can never be fulfilled. comPASSiON is a universal love story. It brings hope with its excitement and is touching in its fragility. The choreographer Kjara Starič and her young dancers find an answer in compassion. Not in the fake compassion of commercial humanity feeding its glutting ego, but in the compassion that thrives in recognition of urgency to overcome egocentric individualism of today’s society, and that was born from the love for ourselves and for the world as the only available paradise.IV. 7.0 - In The Dust (2 Faced Dance Company)Choreography: Tamsin Fitzgerald; music: Alex Baranowski; dancers:Alex Rowland, Hugh Stanier, Jake Nwogu, Matthew Chambers, Johnny Autin7.0 was inspired by Fitzgerald’s visit to Haiti after the earthquake. The piece explores what happens when we live in a state of political, physical and geographical uncertainty and questions how we react when everything we take for granted is taken from us. LOCATION:Main stage at the Drava river ORGANIZER;CN="TELEKOM": END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR