22. 06. 2012 - 07.07., 10:00-13:00 and 16:00-20:00\n\n◊ Igor Štumberger, Eva Petan, Kana Otake, Slovensko-kitajsko društvo, Galerija Manitas, KUD Sredina, Hair Dance Hairdressing studio and Bernard Brečko\n\nLearn how traditional products are made around the globe. How do Indians weave dreamcatchers? How do Japanese fold paper? Come and find out!PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION “LOOK AT ME”\n\n◊Petra Greiner\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nA photography exhibitions with 13 photos of children with special needs.\n\nGAMES OF THE WORLD22. 06. 2012 - 07.07., 10:00-13:00 and 16:00-20:00\n\n◊ Violeta Jolić, Špela Debenjak in Lana Erlač – Zavod Mars Maribor\n\nEvery culture has its games and toys that bring joy during free time and help educate in a playful way. We are getting to know cultures from around the world and making table, adventure, and puzzle games, creating sport and circus props, and testing ourselves in yard games that were played in the past.\n\nCHALLENGE – INVENTION – Festival of science
\n\n♦ Mišel Vugrinec
\n\n\n\nCHALLENGE – INVENTION takes you from small but interesting things under microscope lenses to the stars. It challenges you to try out the roles of model makers, physicists and scientists, robot makers, aspiring biologists, messy chemists or dreamy astronomers. \n\n\n\nPHYSICIST’S CORNER\n\n◊ Društvo Mariborski raziskovalni studio, Društvo za razvoj naravoslovja in tehnike, Center eksperimentov Maribor\n\n22. VI.–6. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nCHEMIST'S CORNER\n\n◊ Fakuleteta za naravoslovje in matematiko – oddelek za kemijo\n\n22. VI.–6. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nASTRONOMY\n\n◊ Društvo Mariborski raziskovalni studio – Nataša Petelin\n\n22. VI.–24. VI. in 29. VI.–6. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nROBOTICS\n\n◊ Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Ujemi zajca - Maruša Novak, Monika Pocrnjić in Brigita Klajnšek\n\n30. VI.–6. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nMODEL MAKING AND TECHNICS\n\n◊ Fakuleteta za naravoslovje in matematiko – oddelek za tehniko, Blaž Rošer, Društvo za razvoj naravoslovja in tehnike\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nBIOLOGY\n\n◊ Društvo Mariborski raziskovalni studio – Anja Lešnik, ZPM – Klepet z živalicami\n\n22. VI.–6. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nEXPERIMENTS\n\n◊ KD Resonator – Primož Oberžan, Društvo za razvoj naravoslovja in tehnike, Društvo Mariborski raziskovalni studio\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nGAMES AND SOCIALISING IN NATURE\n\n◊ ZPM\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\nLANGUAGE MIX22. 06. 2012 - 07.07., 16:00-20:00\n\n◊ participants from all over the world who live in Maribor and guests of the Arts4all international congress\n\nEach country has its own language. Learn how to say »hi«, »thank you« or order a meal in English, German, Chinese, Russian and other languages.\n\nROOTS OF THE HEART - presentation of humanitarian and voluntary organizations 
\n\n\n\n♦ Organiser: Vesna Gomboc\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\nRoots of the heart are a treasure, an inner richness of people who help where help is needed most. A presentation of humanitarian and voluntary NGOs in the field of social affairs, health and education.\n\nParticipating: Humanitarno društvo ADRA Slovenija, Ambasadorji upanja, Ekološko kulturno društvo Za boljši svet, Slovenska filantropija, ZPM Maribor, Društvo Salezijanski mladinski center Maribor, Ozara, Šent, Materinski dom in Svetovalnica za žrtve nasilja in zlorab Maribor, Dom upokojencev Danice Vogrinec, Dom starejših občanov Tezno, Aktiviraj se, Medobčinsko društvo Sožitje, VDC Polž, Zavod Antona Martina Slomška Maribor (Hiša otrok – vrtec Montessori, Dijaški dom AMS, Škofijska gimnazija AMS, Glasbena in baletna šola AMS), KD Reps Maribor, Društvo joga v vsakdanjem življenju, Center za socialno delo Maribor, Združenje multiple skleroze Slovenije Maribor, Društvo gluhih in naglušnih Podravja, Pekarna – Magdalenske mreže, Združenje DrogArt, Društvo študentov invalidov Slovenije, Humanitarno društvo INKONT, Svet invalidov MOM, Društvo tabornikov XI.SNOUB Miloša Zidanška, Medobčinsko društvo slepih in slabovidnih Maribor, Prostovoljno gasilsko društvo Pragersko, fotografska razstava Petre Greiner Look at me/Poglej me, Andragoški zavod Maribor – Ljudska univerza, Center za državljansko vzgojo, Ustanova nevladnih mladinskega polja Pohorski bataljon (UPB)\n\n\n\nNATURE LOVERS – Festival about ecology and planting\n\n◊ Organiser: Mišel Vugrinec22. VI.–7. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\nThis year's novelty! Learn how to work with soil and plants and fiind out more about the green richness around you. Alive! Wild!\n\n\n\nECOLOGY DEPARTMENT\n\n◊ Društvo Mariborski raziskovalni studio, Andrej Adda Novak\n\n22. VI.–6. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nGARDENING DEPARTMENT\n\n◊ Društvo Varuhi semen – Kalinčkove delavnice, ZPM – Radi imamo zeleno\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nWILD GARDENING DEPARTMENT\n\n◊ Dario Cortese; Estela Žutić in Gilles Duvivier\n\n24. VI., 27. VI., 30. VI., 4.VII., 6. VII, 16.00–20.00\n\nCYCLING WORKSHOP\n\n◊ Mariborska kolesarska mreža in cooperation with Urbane brazde – Maribor2012\n\n24. VI., 30. VI., 6. VII, 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nMEDITATION PAVILLON: THE BOND BETWEEN ME AND THE SOIL\n\n◊ Katja Majer\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00CHILDREN’S WEEK - “BECOME AND INDIAN”22. 06. 2012 - 07.07., 10:00-13:00 and 16:00-20:00\n\n\n\n◊ Humanitarno društvo Adra Slovenija\n\nLearn more about the family life, traditions and relations towards nature and health in the Indian village!\n\nPATH OF AWAKENING SENSES – a walk through the sensory ground
\n\n♦ Alja Krofl \n\n\n\nYou can stroll down the Path of awakening senses alone or accompanied with your eyes tied. Perceive the world with all senses: smell, taste, sight, touch, hearing, intuition, and love.\n\n\n\nAIRY DANCE ON FABRIC\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 16.00–20.00, Sat. and Sun. 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\n◊ Ana Kravanja\n\nWEAVING\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 16.00–20.00, Sat. and Sun. 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\n◊ Mateja Kuhar, Katja Miajlovič, Zlatka Kalamar\n\n\n\nHERBS\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 16.00–20.00, Sat. and Sun. 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\n◊ Tajda Jamšek, Polona Kumer\n\n\n\nFLIGHT MACHINE AND SMALL TOWERS\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\n◊ Borut Popenko\n\n\n\nDWARF'S PRANKS AT THE CARNIVAL\n\n7. VII., 17.00–19.00\n\n◊ real dwarfs\n\nEXHIBITION FROM THE PROJECT “I FORGAVE YOU”22. 06. 2012 - 07.07., 10:00-13:00 and 16:00-20:00\n\n\n\n◊Ekološko kulturno društvo Za boljši svetASKING, TRAVELING\n\n22. 06. 2012 - 07.07., 16:00-20:00\n\n◊ Kulturno društvo Nova akropola and other globetrotters\n\nDid you ever ask yourself why people like traveling and what is the difference between Europe and Africa or maybe India? If yes, “Asking, traveling” is the right place for you.CATCH THE RHYTHM AND DISCOVER THE WORLD22. 06. 2012 - 07.07., 16:00-20:00\n\n ◊Bruno Planinc with guests and Cheik Kora Kouyate\n\nDiscover traditional instruments and music of Slovenia and other parts of the worlds or make your own instruments.\n\nART RIPENS – Fine Arts Festival
\n\n \n\n♦ Alja Krofl\n\nArt ripens ideas as the sun ripens cherries. Art ripens with painting – applying colour scale in a rainbow landscape, mimicking nature or fantasy images that calm the spirit and connect the dreamers. Art ripens with sculpture – the touch of coarse wood, smooth stone or wet clay; emotions take us to unconscious depth and inspire us to create.\n\n\n\nART WORKSHOP FOR OUR YOUNGEST\n\n◊Andreja Kuhar, Suzana Jovič, Biljana Mujović – Zavod Mars Maribor\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nGRAPHICS AND PAINTINGS\n\n◊ Marija Toure, Stevan Čukalac, Denis Fras in dijaki SŠOM\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nPHOTOGRAPHY\n\n◊ Gašper Domjan\n\n22. VI.–29. VI., 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nANIMATION\n\n◊ Hana Repše in mentorji Vzgojno-izobraževalnega programa Slon\n\n30. VI.–6. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nWOOD\n\n◊ Zmago Kovač, Lan Falež (22.–25. VI.) ◊ Jure Ješovnik, Gregor Pečolar (26.VI.-7.VII)\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nSTONE\n\n◊ Vojko Urisk\n\n30. VI.–6. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\nSCULPTING WORKSHOP\n\n◊ Sebastjan Arnuš, Matej Belina\n\n22. VI.–29. VI., 16.00–20.00\n\nTHE BEAT OF CULTURE, social science and culture festival
\n\n♦ Ana Presker 
\n\n22. 06. 2012 - 07.07., 10:00-13:00 and 16:20:00\n\nExperience the music, games and languages of the world and crafts and history of Slovenia. Let’s enter the world of creativity, coloured with the cultures of the world and its own tradition. We will host the folklore artists performing at Folkart, students from different countries (Student Conference in Maribor) and 40 international arts experts and teachers who will teach us different languages and traditional crafts.\n\n\n\nSLOVENIA’S TREASURES\n\n22. 06. 2012 - 07.07., 10:00-13:00 and 16:00-20:00\n\n◊ Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije, Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj – Ormož, Mednarodni grafični likovni center, Muzej na prostem Rogatec and Društvo Nova Akropola, Pomelaj\n\nWe should never forget where we come from and what treasures can be found at home. History and craft workshops organized by Slovenian museums.\n\nDISCUSSIONS\n\n◊ Sociologist: Valerija Korošec\n\n1.VII.-7.VII., 18.30-19.00ECO-ART BAZAAR – ecologic art fair\n\n\n\n◊ Organiser: Violeta Škrabl\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 10.00–20.00\n\nThe Eco-Art Bazaar presents old crafts, artisans, artists, designers, producers of healthy and ecological food, and various Slovenian associations and cultural institutions.\n\nParticipating: Društvo Mariborski raziskovalni studio, Prana unikatni nakit, Jerneja Kristan, Lončarski atelje Lorna in Črtomir, Pikarin, Vila darila, Tri luknje, Zadruga za razvoj čebelarstva, KUD Sredina, Valentina Glavica, Nada Simončič, Inštitut Zelena Direktiva, Anika Kolar, Lana Erlač, Marija Celcer, Nataša Žniderič, Klavdija Zupanc, Gabrijela Neuvirt, Karmen Sanda, UriKuri, Galerija Manitas, Nina Kramar Cverle, ZRP Pomelaj, Flamma art, Franc Pahovnik, Muca maca, Darila – nakit Luci, Obsidiana glass, Mario Kranjc, Zdenka Borak, Jelena Rusjan, Nataša Dobre, Tóth Tímea, Anesta Barnett, Csaba Marczell, Atilla Bodnár, Kis Tamás, madžarski umetniki iz Pécsa and others.CreAction – festival of production and creation\n\n\n\n◊ Organiser: Vesna Gomboc\n\n\n\nFANTASY PUPPETS\n\n◊ Ana Kravanja, Nika Arnuš, Lutkovno gledališče Pika, Lenart\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 16.00–20.00 and 30. VI.–3. VII., 10.00–13.00\n\n\n\nOLD CLOTHES, NEW CLOTHES\n\n◊ Miri Strnad – Miricota, Tomaž Tomljanović – Dualik, Jan Slamič\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 16.00–20.00 and 4. VII.–7. VII., 10.00–13.00\n\n\n\nJEWELLERY\n\n◊ Polona Poklukar, Urška Golob\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 16.00–20.00 in 27.VI.–29.VI., 10.00–13.00\n\n\n\nARTPRINT\n\n◊ Anja Cimerman, Anka Supej\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 16.00–20.00 and 23. VI.–26. VI., 10.00–13.00\n\n\n\nINVENTIVE PRINTS\n\n◊ Lidija Šmigoc\n\n27. VI–29. VI, 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nPresentation\n\nHIGH SCHOOL OF DESIGN, MARIBOR – FASHION DESIGN\n\n◊ Dijaki Srednje šole za oblikovanje, mentorici Cvetka Hojnik, Majda Kuzmič\n\nLOVE ON A PLATE – cooking for joy\n\n\n\n◊ Organiser: Vojka Miklavc\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\nLet's cook for fun and eat healthy - LOVE ON A PLATE!\n\nTASTE EXPLOSION! CULINARY MAGIC\n\n◊ Danilo Ivanuša\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nCOOKING IS FOR ADULTS, TOO\n\n◊ Slavko Kores – Društvo bratstvo velike žlice\n\n23. VI., 24. VI., 30. VI., 1. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nHOME-MADE\n\n◊ different associations and individuals\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nVEGAN COOKING WORKSHOP FOR CHILDREN\n\n◊Za živali! Društvo za uveljavljanje njihovih pravic\n\n2. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nTABLE SET\n\n◊ Anja Koželj – Zavod Mars Maribor, students of Srednja šola za oblikovanje Maribor, mentor: Bojana Amon\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 16.00–20.00, Sat. and Sun. 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nCHOCOLATE DAY\n\n◊ Žito Gorenjka d.d.\n\n30. VI., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nSponsors:\n\n◊ Bosch\n\n◊ Žito Prehrambena industrija d.d.\n\n◊ Ljubljanske mlekarne\n\n◊ Spar Slovenija\n\n◊ Medex d.o.o.\n\nINFOART – info points
\n\n♦ Organisers: Staša Grilc, Kaja Amon\n\n\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 10.00–20.00\n\nIn addition to friendly help and information, information desks offer first aid for smaller and bigger accidents. Here you can find lost items and buy brochures or full festival tickets for the Lent Festival, give away broken and obsolete toys, painting supplies, waste packaging, old clothing and textile pieces or refresh yourself with a glass of cold water.\n\n\n\nWe collect broken, obsolete toys, painting supplies, waste packaging, old clothing and textile pieces. Bring them and create!\n\nFLEXIBLE, FLEXIBLE, ALL POSSIBLE – sports festival\n\n\n\n◊ Organiser: Športno društvo Junak\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 10.00–13.00 in 16.00–20.00\n\nThe morning sport program is enabling children to enjoy fun and interesting sport activities in nature. Every day there will be a motoric polygon (crawling, somersaults, jumps), a labyrinth amongst the trees for adventurers, various sports requisites. Elastic rope jumps, Frisbee and vortex, stilts and ballgames (football, volleyball, dodge ball and badminton), along with presentations of different sports and sports competitions.\n\nPRESENTATION OF DIFFERENT SPORTS CLUBS\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\nWith the help of 18 sports clubs, in the afternoon children can practice martial arts, get acquainted with bows and swords, dance with acrobatic clubs and try out big and small trampolines. We will learn about sports played on grass (hockey, football, rugby, and cricket), play table tennis, row on rowing simulators and ride a pony! Every day U1Fun will enable them to learn about one of the new sports—slackline.\n\nGAMES WITHOUT FRONTIERS\n\n30. VI. and 7. VII., 10.00\n\nFor children and parents.\n\n\n\nHERO’S RUN\n\n1. VII., 10.00\n\nChildren’s run. Categories: 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12 years.\n\n\n\nTREASURE HUNT\n\n27. VI. and 4. VII., 10.00 and 12.00\n\n\n\nFOOTBALL\n\n23. VI. and 24. VI.\n\n23. VI., 9.00–12.00: »FOOTLENT« tournament for children up to 7 years\n\n23. VI. and 24. VI., 17.00–20.00: »FOOTLENT’S PRANKS«\n\n24. VI., 9.00–12.00: Football youngsters of the Marinko Galić sports club.\n\n\n\nPHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION “OLYMPIC GAMES IN LONDON 2012”\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\nKMŠ SPORTS FIELD – youth section\n\n\n\nSports field of the Center Sports Club, City park Maribor\n\n◊ Organisers: Špela Debenjak and Lana Erlač – KMŠ\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\nThis year KMŠ is inviting you to join its modern, interesting sports and cultural events for the young and the young at heart.\n\nDIVING FUN\n\n◊ Potapljaško društvo Maribor, Nitro diving, Cezam Ruše, H2O team, Športno društvo Filipin, Športni park Ruše\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nINLINE HOCKEY\n\n◊ HDK Lisjaki Maribor\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nSPORTS GAMES\n\n◊ KMŠ\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\nFootball, hockey, badminton, Frisbee, skating, boarding slackline. Move!\n\n\n\nGRAFFITI\n\n◊ Teo Ivančič – Teoson v sodelovanju z Letečim avtobusom ZPM Maribor\n\n22. VI.–24. VI., 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nMONOCYCLE WORKSHOPS AND »PIMP MY BIKE«\n\n◊ Urh Pantner, Matic Žunko in Žiga Erlač\n\n25. VI. In 6. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\nECO INSTALLATION\n\n◊ Maja Šlamberger and Petra Lopert in collaboration with ZPM Maribor\n\n26. VI.–29. VI. and 3. VII.–6. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nCIRCUS WORKSHOPS\n\n◊ Matej Kramer and Anja Lesnik – Majka\n\n26. VI., 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nTAEKWONDO AND GYMSTICK WORKSHOP\n\n◊ Kristijan Kovačič, Sašo Branilovič, Jasmina Kržan, Antonija Matevžič, Katja Završnik – Športni center Red Power\n\n27. VI., 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nTHAI BOXING WORKSHOP\n\n◊ Aleš Povhe – Društvo Legija Muay Thai\n\n28. VI., 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nFORMULA DRIVING SCHOOL MARIBOR\n\n◊ Miran Pušnik - Formula Maribor d.o.o.\n\n29. VI. and 3. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nMADNESS & BURN GAME OF SKATE\n\n◊Luka Pen – Madness & Burn\n\n30. VI., 16.00–20.00\n\nZUMBA\n\n◊Urška Barle – Zumba with Urška and Maja\n\n1. VII., 16. 00–20.00\n\nTHEATRE IMPROVISATION WORKSHOPS\n\n◊Petko Čakrevski and Vid Šumak – Troltziher maheri\n\n2. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\nACROBATIC WORKSHOPS\n\n◊Denis Janežič, Darko Kranjc, Dejan Bedenik, Vasja Očko, Sebastijan Cvirn – Športno društvo Grab It\n\n4. VII.–5. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\nCARNIVALIMO (make-up and hairstyle workshop)\n\n◊Luka Mohorko and Mojca Škof\n\n7. VII., 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nDANCE WORKSHOPS
\n\n♦ Organiser: Mojca Ussar\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 11.30–12.30 and 16.00–17.00\n\nDo you like to dance? At the Art Camp stage you can attend free dance workshops every day. Learn to consciously use your body and connect it, through play, with your mind.
\n\nPLACES OF INDULGENCE\n\n◊ Organiser: Staša Grilc\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\nPARADISE REST\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\nShilaja, Gaja Klas, Sandra Koprivnik in Sabrina Cuder, Medicinsko estetski center Perfect Body\n\nSurrender your body to the skillful fingers of trained masseurs and learn about different massage techniques. From Chinese to Ayurvedic, Tuine to sports, and classic to reflex massage, indulge your body and mind with much-needed relaxation.\n\nZDENKO DOMANČIĆ: BIOENERGY\n\n◊ Gregor Hrovatin\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\n\n\nART REBIRTH FESTIVAL\n\n30. VI. and 1. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\nMOJCA MORYA MALEK: Planetary gongs, sound massage\n\nDON CONREAUX: Gong yoga, Sruti, voice and mantra, gong concert\n\nEDITA ČERČE: oriental and Indian dances, dance imaginations, red tent (female energy)\n\nBERNARD CVETKO: Integral yoga\n\nBLAŽENKA BARTOLIĆ: SuryaShakti yoga\n\nJASNA GOSAK: Power yoga\n\nART OF LIVING SLOVENIJA: Rebirth through breathing\n\nDRUŠTVO ZA RAZVOJ DUHOVNE KULTURE SRI ČINMOJ: Meditation\n\nJOGA SMEHA SLOVENIJA: laughter yoga\n\nAT THE DRY DIAPER\n\nZdruženje Vis Feminea, Od spočetja do korakov\n\n22. VI.–7. VII., 10.00–13.00 and 16.00–20.00\n\nWhen my diaper is full, come and change me. Save your child from a full diaper.\n\n\n\nGREAT CLOSING CARNIVAL \n\n◊ Organiser: Jernej Auer\n\n7. VII., 18.00\n\nAfter sixteen days of socializing, we will all put on costumes and bring the festival to an end with fun, dance, and music. The carnival will include musicians, artists, jugglers, and everyone who is young in spirit and wants to bid farewell to Lent Festival a bit differently. The Great Carnival is a dance! The Great Carnival is fun!\n\n\n\n LOCATION:City park END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR