BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:lent12.slovenija.net_1_127 DTSTAMP:20120612T121946 DTSTART:20120624T200000Z DTEND:20120624T203000Z CATEGORIES:Konzert SUMMARY:ŽIGA MURKO 13 (SLO, USA) DESCRIPTION:Jure Pukl (saxophone), Jan Kus (saxophone), Boštjan Simon (saxophone), Jonathan Powell (trumpet), Jason Palmer (trumpet), Tomaž Gajšt (trumpet), Tim Kotnik (trumpet), Žiga Murko (trombone), Vid Žgajner (trombone), Mario Vavti (trombone), Andy Hunter (trombone), Goran Krmac (tube), Andrej Hočevar (drums)After graduating from Rotterdam Conservatory of Music, trombone player Žiga Murko joined the Slovene-international band Next and later formed a jazz sensation Žiga Murko 13 that performs a fusion of traditional jazz and urban sounds. In 2012, the band released its debut album in Systems Two studio in New York, cooperating with famous musicians, such as Mark Turner, Alex Sipiagin, David Binney, Jason Palmer and Andy Hunter.Murko began his music career at the age of seven as a young and curious pianist. Fascinated with his father’s trombone skills, he switched from piano to trombone. During his musical education, he was mentored by Branimir Slokar and Dušan Krajnc. Murko had a chance to learn from and work with some of the masters of modern improvised music, such as Jason Moran, Joshua Redman, David Binney, John Abercrombie, Alex Sipiagin, Arturo Sandoval, Steve Turre, Andy Hunter and Ralph Peterson.The band Žiga Murko 13 uses wind instruments to create a modern jazz sound, infused with other music genres and rhythms from Balkans. LOCATION:Jazzlent ORGANIZER;CN="FACTOR BANKA": END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR