BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:lent12.slovenija.net_1_27 DTSTAMP:20120618T180757 DTSTART:20120622T190000Z DTEND:20120622T193000Z CATEGORIES:DJ Abend SUMMARY:YOORONYAA • DAMARIS • NIBEYE DESCRIPTION:YOORONYAA\n\nYooRonYaa sees himself as a collector and lover of diverse music genres. But nevertheless he prefers to roll and produce drum'n'bass. Although music is only his hobby he always enjoys positive feedbacks. Software Rebirth RB-338 was the one who linked him to electronic music. He likes drum’n’bass because it combines so many different elements of funk, hip-hop, reggae, Brazilian samba. \n\nDAMARIS \n\nShe likes many music genres like classic, soul, funk, hip-hop, electronic music especially drum'n'bass, which led her into the world of producing and DJing. DamaRis played at the Magdalena Festival and Pri zelenem zajcu. She also performed in the House Culture in Udarnik, where we could enjoy mostly liqud drum'n'bass with Brazilian and swing elements. She loves to mix jungle, hip-hop and reggae into her drum'n'bass sets. \n\nNIBEYE\n\nNibeye's is a member of the female DJ group Female's'cream. Her passion for music, a great amount of positive energy and musical education form eclectic sets which she introduced to audiences in Slovenia (K4, Menza pri koritu, Monokel, Tiffany, Tovarna Rog, LokalPatriot, Koperground, Pri Zelenem zajcu, ...), Croatia and Portugal. She wants to bring more casualness, hedonism, enthusiasm and positive vibes into the world which is usually just grey. And, in her opinion, quality music is a good way to do so. LOCATION:Mladina-Bühne X Creative Underground ORGANIZER;CN="PIVOVARNA UNION": END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR