BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:lent12.slovenija.net_1_575 DTSTAMP:20120611T081834 DTSTART:20120703T190000Z DTEND:20120703T193000Z CATEGORIES:Konzert SUMMARY:THE BAMBI MOLESTERS (CRO) DESCRIPTION:Dinko Tomljanović (guitar), Dalibor Pavičić (guitar), Hrvoje Zaborac (drums), Luka Benčić (bass)\n\nFormed in 1995 under the influence of 60's garage and surf classics, Croatia based band The Bambi Molesters won sympathies of rock critics and underground rock audience with their first album 'Dumb Loud Hollow Twang' which was released in 1997 by a small independent label Dirty Old Town. All 15 original songs were recorded in unbelivable three hours. Produced by the legendary Californian surf DJ, Phil Dirt, and, although it was later licenced to the German Kamikaze Rec., the album soon went out of print.\n\nSince then they have been playing regularly in Croatia and all over Europe and their fiery and energetic live performances helped to build their reputation as one of the finest and most original contemporary surf bands. In 1999. the band signed a record deal with Dancing Bear. They released their second album "Intensity!". This album was also licenced to the same german label. Both, "Intensity" and "Dumb Loud Hollow Twang" gained positive reviews in music press and were nominated in various categories of Croatian national and independent music awards. In the following couple of years they played with The Cramps, Man or Astroman?, Chrome Cranks, Flaming Sideburns...\n\nIn 1999, among their other shows, they supported R.E.M. for the first time, in Koper, Slovenia.\n\nIn December 2001 THE BAMBI MOLESTERS released their 3rd album "Sonic Bullets: 13 From the Hip". This album features Peter Buck (R.E.M.), Scott Mc Caughey (YOUNG FRESH FELLOWS, R.E.M.'s touring band), the WALKABOUTS frontman Chris Eckman, Terry Lee Hale, American singer/songwriter and Speedo Martinez, singer of the fabulous THE FLAMING SIDEBURNS. It was produced by an award-winning Croatian producer Edi Cukeric and mastered by Ed Brooks (RFI/CD Mastering, Seattle, USA).\n\nIn January 2004. The Bambi Molesters joined forces with Walkabouts' frontman Chris Eckman and formed The Strange. The band worked with Phil Brown (engineer and co-producer - in the Slovenian studio Metro in Ljubljana where they recorded a collaborational album "Nights of Forgotten Films", released in 2004. \n\nLatest release, a dopuble live album „A Night in Zagreb“ was also released by Dancing Bear, in December 2011. It consists of double CD & DVD featuring the band's first concert movie directed by Marc Littler. LOCATION:Večer-Bühne END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR