BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:lent12.slovenija.net_1_579 DTSTAMP:20120610T213712 DTSTART:20120703T193000Z DTEND:20120703T200000Z CATEGORIES:Konzert SUMMARY:MACY GRAY (USA) DESCRIPTION:SOLD OUT!A gifted songwriter and dazzlingly singular singer has been overturning fan expectation since kicking off her music career with her debut 2000 CD, On How Life Is. That musical calling card spawned the classic single “I Try,” and both the CD and single were massive global hits. They kicked off a career ride that includes multiple Grammys and MTV awards, over 25 million units sold, and a thriving acting career. Her artistic integrity and innovativeness has won her fans across the world, including artists such as John Frusciante, Erykah Badu, Gang Starr, Mos Def, and Pharoah Monche, all of whom have collaborated with her.To the casual music fan, Macy Gray tackling a covers album might seem wholly out of left field – especially since the material she chose to reinterpret is largely drawn from indie rock tunes (Exceptions are Eurythmics’ Here Comes the Rain Again, from 1983, and Metallica’s Nothing Else Matters, from 1991.) But 'Covered' is not your typical covers album. It deftly redefines what such an undertaking is and can be, which makes it very much a Macy Gray project. “Before we started recording, ” recalls Macy, “I got obsessed with Nina Simone’s version of ‘My Way.’ She didn’t worry about what people would think or how they would compare it to anybody else. I saw how she just took that song and every song she ever did, and made them her own. So, I went in with the confidence that we could do whatever we wanted.”'Covered' also includes the following songs: Arcade Fire - Wake Up, My Chemical Romance - Teenagers, The Toyes - Two Joints, Kanye West - Love Lockdown and more. LOCATION:Hauptbühne an der Drau ORGANIZER;CN="SPAR SLOVENIJA": END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR