BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:lent12.slovenija.net_1_43 DTSTAMP:20120616T195640 DTSTART:20120622T210000Z DTEND:20120622T213000Z CATEGORIES:Konzert SUMMARY:ADI SMOLAR & MESTNI POSTOPAČI DESCRIPTION:Adi Smolar (vocals, guitar), Dejan Došlo (vocals, guitar), Damir Jazbec - Keli (harmonica), Marko Matjašič - Jimi (guitar), Iztok Repovž - Izi (drums, percussion), Sergej Jereb (bass)In august, the label Gong Records released the long-awaited album of the most popular songwriter in Slovenia, Adi Smolar, and in just one week, the album became the most listened albums in Slovenia. The album with ten songs was recorded with his band Mestni postopači in ČINČ studio in Ljubljana Slovenia.Adi Smolar’s songs offer an insight to our everyday life, since the musicians has his own way of making serious issues humorous. In his long career, Adi releases 13 albums. He says he will stay young forever and agrees that his hair is incredibly inappropriate for his age. LOCATION:Spiegelzelt ORGANIZER;CN="FARMADENT": END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR