Gregor Budal (clarinet, vocals), Vasilij Centrih (violin, vocals), Janez Dovč (accordion, vocals), Petra Trobec (double bass, vocals), guest: Sergej Ranđelović - RunJoe (percussion, vocals)
Jararaja is a group of four friends that transformed their friendship into music. Their music is even more cheerful than the band’s name, the meaning of which cannot be described with one word. The band’s repertoire focuses on Slovene folk music. These musicians share the love for music and in their performances time does not pass, but lasts.
In addition to their debut album 'Jararaja ', they released a concert DVD 'Jararajanje z gosti '. In September 2010, their new album 'Od srede do torka ' was released, in which they introduced their new sound image. Currently, they are getting ready to celebrate their 10th anniversary by releasing their third album.
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